Date - 20th March 2020

First of all, DO NOT.

It is very rare that a country like ours has not only had the chance but also the awareness and strategies to prevent explosion of a disease. As a responsible Indian as well as world citizen, it is our duty to be a part of the primordial and primary prevention stage of this global pandemic. Postpone your trips and treks for July and later.

However, if we must go out and travel; what can/should we do to ensure safe commute for ourselves as well as our fellow countrymen?

ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATIONS (Not to be done under any circumstances)

  • Do not travel in public transport if you have the symptoms of COVID19 infection (fever, cough, breathlessness) and consult a doctor.
  • Do not leave the house for at least two weeks if you have a recent travel history (even if the travel was not to affected areas, airports and railway stations are a hub of infection) even though you have no symptoms. (You could be a carrier and may infect others)

    • If you have come in contact with someone who has been tested positive or has a recent history of travel.
    • If you are suffering from any other systemic condition or co-morbidities as your immunity is probably not at its best and there is a higher chance of getting infected.


    The precautions CANNOT be highlighted enough!

    Even though you’ve surely come across the precautions to take if you are stepping out of the house, we would enlist them and revise them again.

    • Masks
    • Hygienic habits (cough/sneeze on your elbow, wash/sanitise your hands regularly, change clothes every day and disinfect them regularly etc)
    • Using Alcohol based sanitizers when soap and water are not available
    • Social distancing (travel solo or in very small groups, if you must)
    • Not touching your face without washing your hands
    • Eating home cooked food
    • Do not share sipper bottles with someone who you think may be infected
    • Do not shake hands or hug the strangers on your way
    • Keep your travel/ hiking shoes and socks in a zip lock bag
    • Disinfect your phone/ laptop/ camera with a cotton plug soaked in sanitizer before sharing these gadgets with others
    • Avoid carpooling/ hitch hiking/ local public transport
    • Discard your used clothes in a zip lock bag. Do not use the same pair of clothes more than once
    • Avoid using wet wipes as they are non-biodegradable and may be a source of spreading the infection
    • Try to use spoon/ fork while eating, then eating with your hands
    • Do not use the same handkerchief to wipe your hands, legs and the face every time. Instead, clean your face with a different tissue paper, collect all the tissues in a zip lock bag and dispose in a dustbin
    • Choose the less crowded path / destination on your trip or visit at a time when it's relatively less crowded
    • Spread awareness on the go for prevention and avoid unnecessary panic
    • If you see someone who isn't carrying a sanitizer and needs it, share it with them

    While using the masks, REMEMBER

    • All the other masks except for cloth masks are single use, hence you must discard all single use mask immediately after removing them.
    • You have to wash and disinfect the cloth masks before and after use using disinfectants
    • Do not touch the inner or outer side of the mask while wearing, removing or adjusting it. Always use the strings at the side.
    • Carry more than one masks/ disinfected scarves while travelling as you might need to remove them while eating/drinking etc. Do not use the same mask again and you must keep the inner side in contact with the inner side and prevent it from touching any other surface.
    • Store all the cloth masks separately and wash and disinfect the bags you store them in once you get home.


    • MYTH– Keeping the windows of AC Cabs down will help in preventing transmission down.
      MYTH BUSTER - COVID19 is a droplet infection, and even if there has been someone in the cab before you who was infected, the infected droplets are more likely on the surface than in air and keeping the windows down will not change anything. You still need to take all the precautions; in fact, this may create unnecessary panic.
    • MYTH- Keeping windows and doors of rooms closed can prevent the virus from entering.
      MYTH BUSTER – There is no reason to believe this as this is a droplet infection and it is likely to settle on surfaces
    • MYTH- Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over the body can kill the virus
      MYTH BUSTER – Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will not kill the viruses that have already entered your body. They can in fact be harmful to clothes, eyes, mouth. Alcohol and chlorine are used to clean the surfaces but must be used under appropriate recommendations. Taking a shower with soap and water after you return home will be enough to keep you safe.

    These are tough times, but if we work together globally, we can achieve normalcy soon. No heroes with capes and armours are here to save the world.

    The responsibility of saving millions lies in the hands of each one of us! So let us be our own heroes and travel safe, if we have to and ensure the speedy recovery of this world pandemic!

    Don't Cancel your Trips

    Postpone Dates & Save Tourism!