By: Sejal Mutha | Date - 17th September 2019

Doctors on Street is one of the most empathetic ideologies I’ve come across and i am so grateful that SwitchIndia introduced it to me and all those involved.

It basically involved going out there on the streets, the slums and the actually needy to provide basic care for their ailments and a referral incase of severity.

This activity is founded on the basis of the entirety of Hippocratic Oath stating that ‘any doctor, under any circumstances, would provide help to the needy and the underprivileged’.

It started with a couple of students studying medicine from SBKS MI & RC, all geared up to go see a marshy slum in Vadodara on an afternoon of 17th of September 2019 and after a time lapse of 2-2.5 hours, i am pretty sure most of them felt this little tuck in their hearts, pride, sure but mostly their want to serve the community had rised on fold.

‘There are events like these that makes all the textbook reading and lecture attending and missing out on family, all worth it’, as quote by one of the participants.

For the first time, most of us grew up. An actual sense of responsibility and purpose hit in. We could debride a basic foot ulcer, identify pupils not responding to light and also identify the first signs of liver failure. Maybe these are the smallest of victories to come, but that day, it shone bright.

I would, honestly, like to thank SwitchIndia for this amazing chance and the giving us the opportunity all of us would always be grateful for.