By: Mr. Kevan Gandhi | Date - 3rd June 2020

Hi guys, I am a marathon runner and also an Ironman 70.3 athlete. I usually participate in various events. However, due to strict lockdown guidelines it became difficult to train and hence became lethargic and lazy.

Thanks to Jash and the Switch India team for starting fitness challenges that can be done especially during lockdowns.

They introduced the Switch India Stairs Challenge. Based on their schedule we had to complete the task and post done on the group.

It was a 15 day challenge initially. However, since the lockdown got extended, some of us in the group decided to continue with the challenge as well.

I continued my challenge without missing the task even one day. And to my astonishment by the end of day 26, I climbed 101 floors in 40 mins.

I had never thought in my dreams that I will be able to climb so many floors at one go without any break.

This could get achieved only because of the Staircase Challenge started by the Switch India team. This helped me improve my fitness levels in spite of strict lockdown rules.

Switch India is a great platform to test your fitness and strength levels by registering yourself for different challenges.

With so many people doing exercises in the group we all get that extra josh to do those exercises and keep ourselves fit. Fitness helps in developing better immunity which in turn helps in fighting dangerous viruses and diseases.

I would like to thank the entire team of Switch India for initiating this culture of Challenges during times of lockdown so that a lot of people get involved in completing the challenge and thus, keep themselves fit.

Well done. This is a very nice way of connecting with people and getting the task completed by posting Done. Good job, keep it up. And thanks once again. My fitness mantra is balance Karo Eat and burn it out.